Dr. Lil, Empowering Women’s Growth One Click At A Time
I recently connected with Dr. Lillian Gibson (Dr. Lil), clinical psychologist, author and relationship expert to catch up on her latest projects that she has in the works. At late, Dr. Lil is busily managing her virtual platform or “habitat” as she calls it, that is empowering women’s growth one click at a time! The focus of that growth and empowerment is in their mental and physical health and relationships.
Dr. Lil’s virtual business Female Autonomy within Marriage has been in existence for 5 years. Through her online platform, she serves her digital community through a virtual habitat that focuses on empowering strong women to grow happy relationships via on-line workshops, books, and blogs.
What influenced your decision to go into the emotional and mental health industry?
“My passion and drive to help empower women started when I was young girl after being swooned by progressive women within my family and community. I studied them and desired to become who they were…well most parts of them”.
Noticing, that their busy lives sometimes came with stress, fatigue and a range of emotions that I didn’t quite understand at that time. Now I know what I observed was depression and burn out from women who wanted to have a fulfilling career and an amazing quality of life. I vowed to help these women “have it all”.
I provide women with resources to manage life and care for their minds and bodies. Platforms such as the GLOS Plan, which is my on-line weight loss program that has helped ladies across the country drop pounds. GLOS Plan focuses on clean eating and provides women with options to lose weight without feeling committed to the gym.

Helping women who have desires to have just as successful love lives as careers is what my platform is all about. My book Miss to Mrs: How Phenomenal Women Can Enjoy a Happy Marriage has the detailed formula to help women enjoy committed relationships and marriages and I offer additional support via my coaching programs.
Common Myths Surrounding Psychological Services:
“A common and misconceived myth is that only weak people seek help. Only the fragile need support. These things aren’t true! The strong need a shoulder for support too”. One of the most important things that I’ve learned in my profession is “help serve people by meeting them where they are, the healing process can’t be rushed”.
How would you advise women, couples and families on maintaining balance? They should “find ways to pour into yourselves and each other to achieve balance. No one can pour from an empty cup. Relationships rooted in respect and reciprocity tend to last longer”.
What Resources And Services Do You Offer Women, Couples And Families?
Emerging trends in the emotional and mental health community are having resources that are readily accessible on-line. “There aren’t any barriers to get the resources that are needed. I have clients joining my programs as far as Ohio and New York while I’m housed here in Texas”.
Here’s a list of resources that Female Autonomy offers:
- Workshops
- E courses
- Books
- Free newsletters
Dr. Lil resides in Dallas, TX with her husband and two children and has a thriving online community of clients and supporters. To find out more information about Female Autonomy or GLOS Plan, please visit Dr. Lil at Female Autonomy , or you can email info@femaleautonomy.com.
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